Ingeborg Wie "We All Need to Belong in Life"
Ingeborg Wie is a BA student at KHIB. Her works adopts themes from Science Fiction, astronomy, and ufology. At the same time, her work is personal and expressive. She works with mixed media combining the Internet, video, installation, live and recorded performance.
“We All Need To Belong in Life” is a web cam performance space odyssey following a sojourner on the search for a home. It follows the themes of restlessness, alienation and loneliness as both physical and mental states.
“It´s like disappearing. Or maybe it´s when you disappear that everything begins to exist? What are we so afraid of? Space is a dark, lonely and incredible beautiful place. It´s like we´re all just a part of a dream. How did I get so lost? It´s like for a tiny little moment, a nanosecond, you feel like home. But you’re not. You’re just a visitor. An intruder. And at some point one has to leave. How can I find home if I can´t turn back time? I guess it´s like this. With space traveling. There are no return, just endless new destinations.” - Ingeborg Wie