Iris Brinkbork “What do you desire the most?” The launching of WISH company.
What do you desire the most?
What are you thinking?
How do you feel most of the time?
What do you dream of?
Where do you spend most of your hours?
WISH is a company which exists to fulfill your dreams, wishes and desires. Your feelings, thoughts and fantasies are invaluable to us and we treat feelings as the material it is.
The function of a bank is so abstract. The employees work with money which is not even a material, merely numbers in a computer in the system of a company.
What are the objects of a corporation that does not offer the customer anything materialized? WISH is a platform where I have worked with the aesthetics of a company. WISH to me is about expectations, consumption, unfulfilled goals, unkept promises and being human in a world of investments and companies.